The who, what, when, where, why and how is more relevant than ever before. Our focus on customized co-sponsored training program recognizes that today more than ever we need to customize training programs for the jobs that exist!
At Sweatlodge we believe that training is an investment! We are investing in people, communities, organizations and in our future! Training elevates all of us to a higher level so that goals and aspirations are achieved.
Let's Start With UsThe who, what, when, where, why and how is more relevant than ever before. Our focus on customized co-sponsored training program recognizes that today more than ever we need to customize training programs for the jobs that exist!
Sweatlodge can assist in the delivery! Training offered online, in a traditional classroom setting or using a combination of both, (blended), approach offers immediate advantages for all those involved.
Co-Sponsored training programs are aimed at providing students with the competencies they need to enter the job market, practice a trade or occupation and continue to develop their occupational skills throughout their careers.
Our role as facilitators and our inclusion networks offer a strategic advantage! Our communities and clients help us identify; candidates for training, industry who can develop training, for jobs they have and potential funding partners!